Sunday, December 10, 2006

Naus Christmas Dinner: extended-family-party-time

(back track a few days to our first "snow" which lasted only hours)
Naus Family christmas was this weekend. Julia loved the resturant....then afterwards going to Great Oma and Opa's for play and new faces. After being told not to each more of the candy's on the table (she had had quite her fill, and i didn't want lack of nap and too much sugar to make a grumpy sick Julia for the night) Julia proceeded to hand deliver candy to everyone. it was so cute. and funny. and i laughed a lot. She even unwrapped the chocolates for people....eventually she began walking around with the bowl of jelly beans person to person (being somewhat selective at times) delivering joy. (in the from of a sugary bean)

Highlight: cousins to play with!!!! twin girls just a year older, and a boy a couple years older...fabulous!! they all got a little toy from their great oma, and then wandered around the rest of the evening eating and playing with this magnetic dart board.

We had a really great time, but as the evening grew later i felt my lack of nap and needed to return home. So, we bundled up, jumped in our car and headed for our warm home an hour away.

Love day, lovely night. Something to look forward to every year....


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what fun to celebrate Christmas with family! Glad you had a great time!

Julia you can always send candy to our house! LOL
I hope that you guys can get back on track with Naps and things tomorrow!
Hugs from our house to yours!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Sue said...

i forgot to mention how fabulously Julia reacted to the napless day...i meant to write about how blessed we felt as we drove home with a happy child...realizing the amount of self control she exibited for us in her sleepless afternoon filled with funfunfun. God has truly given us an amazing child. :)


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