Saturday, April 28, 2012

Julia's Circus School Party

"Training is tough, but it pays off when the crowd cheers!" At least,  that's what we tell each other as well prepare to work at our new skills...juggling, skipping, hula-hooping, balancing, team be a circus troop today.

We packed up, and walked down to the park to begin.  

They were a hardy crew. Trying new things, putting on shows for us, risking their life (well, not really) in the three legged race. (which sammy insisted he run by himself... with his two legs taped together.)

Classic Egg&Spoon Race. only two eggs cracked! (probably because they barely ran at all! ha, bunch of preservationists...)

 Three Legged Race.

Julia decorated her cake this year, I think she did a marvelous job. 

All in all, it was a fun day of being outside to play! And I am resting in a quiet house now, ready to do some "introvert" activities like cooking dinner alone! :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

.here and there.

So, I have not been an avid Blogger, and I foresee a trend in this continuing.

I have discovered that my time is being better spent elsewhere lately, and I have trouble balancing computer tasks, and real life tasks.  So be it, I am not one who can do much in a day.  Some other people boggle my mind, they are capable of so many tasks, me... not so! :) I do what I can, with the time I am given. That is all I need to do! :)

Anyway. Here are some photos from the past MONTH. Julia's birthday Family Day Celebration!

A day off of school and work for us all, so we can live out regular life together enjoying the ups and downs of life.  What better way to do so then on the back of a beautiful horse, clip clopping through woods and meadow?

Up and Down.

Julia chose our activity and our place to eat.  It is her gift from daddy and I.

Sammy painted her a picture on one of my canvas's . (sweet).   Mercy made her a card.  Then they both asked if they could buy her gifts, so we visited Target for some water guns and a bouncy ball. :)

My first born is now Eight!  I could say many lovely things about her here on this page, but time is short this morning, and I will just say, "You should spend some time with her, she is worth knowing". :)

The ride was lovely. Trees and flowers and blue sky. *sigh*

Mercy was very unsure of the first five minutes just SITTING on the horse, but if we were moving she was fine. Silly girl.  She was nearly hysterical, "too wobbly!! too wobbly!!" ha. But we worked through it, and she enjoyed herself greatly.  (Even when Ellly-May took off in the meadow and didn't want to be brought back to a walking pace... hahaha)

Moving Back In Time:  This photo is from a few weeks ago, Julia reading her homework to us as we eat the "fruits" of our labor.  (More accurately the Cookies of our Labor)   :) mmmmm.

This is proof that I am leading a book/Bible study...  The challenge to get into the Word has been wonderful for me.

Moving Back in Time (again) :  Here we are laboring for our cookies...

Easter:  On Easter Weekend I did this garden project with the kids.  I love Ann Voskamp's blog, ideas, inspiration, whole-life-worship-perspective, whatever you want to call it... she is such a great idea-person.  I find her way of life inspires me to life each part of my life more fully in joy and worship of our Savior!! :)   (this garden idea is from her blog)

Do you see the tomb?
The Stone rolled away?

And plants from our lawn that make the garden green? They are weeds, or like weeds... but then, that could be a good spiritual lesson in itself, don't you think?

Easter was very special this year. 

I felt like we prepared for it as a family -and I know I did personally- more then any other year.  Symbols of the resurrection story were our decorations, and that kept us talking about Jesus and Life and Sin's forgiven all week long before we celebrated on Sunday with our friends.  Through repetition and symbolism our kids began to talk about Jesus' Sacrifice and their own sin's more often... it became more than a holiday for chocolate ( although that will always be a memory for them too.) .   This was very special for me.  More often, when I ask them, "Why did you do _____?" they answer, "Because I have sin in my heart."   And though it is a canned answer at times, I feel that it is setting up the right way of thinking for the future when they will understand it more fully (Please -  I pray!). And they know that sin makes a break in Relationships.  Healing comes through repentance (I'm sorry - to God and to whomever I hurt), and Forgiveness. 

Could it be a start? A laying down of foundation stones that will make them have healthy relationships with God and Others?  I hope so!

I often feel the weight of this role of motherhood.  My doubts tell me that I am doing it wrong, but God's Word tells me to Trust in Him.  And so, I do what I feel He wants me to do, and Trust Him with the outcome.  Might I be too strict at times? Yes, but He is Faithful.  Might I be too Selfish? Yes. But God is good.  Might I focus on the External instead of the Internal sometimes? Of course, but God reminds me of my sin and keeps my heart soft to repent to Him and seek His way instead of my own.

Rolling Back the Clock Again:  Mercy's First Hair Cut... at 3.5 years....  I think that is a record in this house....