Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Holiday Part 2

 Wow. The Pictures say it all. (Almost) haha. We picked and ate wild blueberries.  We rambled along the side of a mountain, climbed a pass, ate lunch at a glacial lake. Amazing.

 At the end of our visit we hosted a Cousin Sleepover and stayed in my folks' backyard in tents. Super Fun.  Then my dear Sister and Mum made a delicious breakfast for all the bleary eyed "sleep over crew". :)


 British Columbia Highlights.......
 White Rock, of course. This is a must see. My parents owned their first home here as newlyweds.  *Aww*  We dug up some creatures and ate fish and chips!

 Exploring "1000's Steps".
 Gangsta Cousins.
 My gorgeous sista!
 My Amy-dear.
 Gold Rush!! Some PRETTY excited kids!
 Fort Langley:  wonderful dress up, exploring, learning, good ol' times.
 Cute pioneer girl.
 Hahaha. He rolled the barrel down the hill, and then ran fast enough to get in front of it. This guy just loves slap-stick comedy! :)
 Which furs will you trade?
 Classic tug-of-war.
 So many dinners at Nana's kitchen. Best place in town to get a good meal for all 13 of us!
 Great Grandma!!
 Great Opa and Linda. Family visits are so lovely.
 Date Trip to Vancouver!! Tandem + Stanley Park = terrific!
Wonderful time wandering with my love. Here we are on Grandville Island.