more pictures for my raving lunatic fans! :) (i meant that in a loving way)
Here is Julia's room! oh i am soooo excited about this one! heehee. Karli's friend Karla helped me paint the grass on the walls today! what fun! ooooooooh so fun! IN fact KARLA Raes (is that how you spell your last name??) wants to start a business painting murals in childrens' rooms....she is a VERY ACCOMPLISHED is a news bulletin to all you folkies out there....she can transform your home! :)
Here is the BEAUTIFUL design that dave did on our floor...i love it. LOVE IT. it looks SOOOOOO professional...and jazzed up our kitchen a lot!
The other day it was tres windy, so Julia and I went "balloon flying". much fun. i love this is JUST like spring! sunny, clear, BEAUTIFUL, sunny, gorgeous...such happy happy weather...and the wind blows, and trains come through town...and we run down the street to see them pound the tracks and blow their horns.....we get the mail for Oma, and we make supper (julia cuts the mushrooms, or other soft things that are easily mutilated by plasict knifes..yes i let her play with PLASTIC knifes..haha) Julia now helps me set the table...and it isn't even right to call it HELPING. she DEMANDS that i let her i don' tknow what that is called...Sup-a-Dup-a-Help? maybe. anyhow. while you search in your lexicon for the correct spelling of her new title, i'll continue my rant.
Julia loves to tell us what is happening, or what color her toys are, or just anything that she recognizes she blurts out like this: "This a _________" or "Julia's __________" or "Mommy has __________" it is sooooooo cute. Her memory is increasing in capacity...very cool to see, well..hear. she now can continue songs if we start "Jesus loves me" and then she sings "dis i know". OR "Jingle bells jingle bells" and she says. "Jingle way". haha. there are a few others too...but you get the idea.
enough rant for now. love from us here in Ontario. dave is off to late night hockey soon... maybe we'll play scrabble first...
bye from dsandj.