So, my life has not been characterized by pain, agony, hardship, and the like. God has thus far given me a life that has had little bitterness to it. And, the opportunities to feel bitter (for we all have them to different extents, depending on our lifestyle choices and relationships) have been short and far between, with ample supplies of His love and mercy to help me through without a chance of leaving a scar upon my heart.
I am grateful. God has given me much, and i know that much is then to be expected of me. I believe that means He expects me to "bounce back" after experiencing an offense from someone, because in the Big Picture, what is one little misplaced phrase or misinterpreted word/action? I believe God expects to see the fruit of His Spirit come through when i am being tested by my lovely children, because, after all, He gave them to me, right? So whatever He wants to teach me through these three gifts, i need to be open to learning. There are so many other examples, but my tired brain is asking me to stop there. You get the idea, and i'm sure you can think of scores more then i could .
So now i feel like i finally have a painful trial to experience... (i needed the above paragraphs to explain why this is a "trial" for me, since i don't suffer often...It definitely isn't as bad as what many go through daily)
For two weeks now i have been living on Tylenol and Ibuprofen in the attempts to make it through the day without a pounding head-jaw-neck ache. Some days are good, other days the pain still persists. bla. I am so weak - i keep saying to myself - some people live with worse pain than this on a daily basis. I think I would go insane. I have trouble making small talk, or concentrating when it gets bad. I try to sit and rest, but it is worse then - even though i am tired from the pain waking me in the morning. ik. So i am thinking the end result of this will be a root canal, my nerve is obviously NOT healing up after my cavity was filled two weeks ago. :( The strange thing is, i wasn't in any pain until i had my mouth worked on.... and that fact tries to make me think it is the dentist's fault. But i do not think it is. I think my cavity was just in the wrong place, perhaps a little too close to my nerve, close enough to cause more trauma than it would recover from.
So if you read this. Pray for my tooth-jaw-pain, please. Last time i had a root canal done, it sent me to bed for the day with serious pain and nausea. After two weeks of that....I'm not exactly EXCITED to go back for more....
Julia received an MP3 player from her Babysitter for her birthday, and she lovessssss it. we put some of her favorite worship music on, and she listens and sing along. And we filled it with "Adventures in Oddessy"-kids stories. (you can get the MP3 format for much cheaper than the hard copies online, if you are interested)
Anyway, i took this picture of Julia sharing her headphones with sam one day. it was so sweet, the two of them listening together like little buddies should. :)