And the answer is.....
11 pounds 14 ounces!!!!!Sarah you are amazing! and not only did she do it all naturally, but she also had us over for dinner the next day, and went out shopping with me the day after that.....etc etc....wonder-mom! :)Congratulations to baby Mekaia William Lapa, 57.5 cm long, 11 pounds 14 ounces, Born at 3:09 Monday Dec 19th, 2005!!!He is so gorgeous! love you all , from sue
We arrived!!
WE are here in BC and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Baby Mekaia was born about a half hour after we arrived at my parents home!! ha! So we visited with Nana and Grandpa for a while, until it was time to go to the hospital . Sarah, Nu and Baby-M looked wonderful! AND YOU WILL NEVER GUESS HOW MUCH HE WEIGHED!! HA. so i want you all to guess. I"m not even going to give a hint, not even Lesina's weight, or sarah or nu' are on your own!! Once i have a few guesses in i'll post the ANSWER. (sarah, and other family members are excluded from this contest...and the prize...i'll let you know what that is later....*ahem*. heeheeso love to all. family is well. JULIA LOVES LESINA, and they have SOOOOOOOOOO much fun together. man! they are hilarious. last night they were running around, chasing eachother through the house, fighting over the facet when playing at the sink, and screeching at one another. oooooh man. they are going to have a good time.anyway. love to all, again, take care and talk to me! haha. (i'm addicted to comments...just so you know...haha)MERRY CHRISTMAS!! May the joy of the Lord be in all you do this season.
oh that's just great....
i'm rarely featured on this blog...however, when i isn't the best of poses...haha! Oh well, this is Julia's version of the horse-y-ride! She climbs on , hugs our head with her knees and giggles.Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.And, even cuter! :)from me.
merry Christmas!
dave commissioned this for me as a christmas gift!! How exciting!! IT was during the christmas market last week, where a blacksmith was set up heating, banging, making beautiful things... I am so thrilled because he actually TOLD them how he wanted it to look, and voila! it was so! A gift that he designed, oooo lala.and of course...i received the gift THAT NIGHT. since we ALL KNOW Mr. Dave cannot keep a secret! hahahaha. (not that i'm complaining...since i tend to be that way at times...ahem)anyway. i thought everyone should see it. lovely eh? you can't tell from the pic, but the metal is all flecked across the top. my favorite thing is the curly-q soooo swweeeeet.signing out: silly sue
last moments of bed-lam?
hey there folkies, it's us again...but we will be taking a break for part of the next month with the business of moving, Christmas, and other wonderful thrilling things. Here we three are enjoying the luxuries of a bed....for the last time in a week. Janet and Peter have lovingly donated a futton mattress...yippeeeeeee, but no more bed! (and no more couch, plates, cups, mugs, silverware, pictures, books, etc etc etc. :) A good simple life of table, futton, toys, one pot, COFFEE maker (of course..haha), and plastic eating materials!! (thanks to whoever gave us the picnic basket as a wedding gift! perfect dishes for now! i think it was jon and carm....thanks guys!)Playing with shiney stones. Dropping, grabbing, jiggling...."Mommy and me"....i made dave take a picture of Jules and I because there are NEVER any pictures of me! haha. people are going to think i don't exist! but truly i do, most of the time. Photography is what i enjoy, thus the pictures usually don't include me. i should utilize the timer on our camera ! *idea*well. loves to all. and to all a good night. eventhough it is afternoon...i'm exhausted from moving!!! :) thank you to all our helpers today: Mom, Dad and karli Naus....THANKYOU! Robyn, Jay and Taylor, THANK YOU!! Ron and Christan...THANK YOU!!!! Bonita, THANK YOU!! we love you all, from us.
"The best way to get your baby to communicate with, calm and comfort you is to get them a copy of this fabulous book. Through weekly study of sleep procedures, feeding basics, and general care techniques your child will be fully prepared to care for you. Following the simple guidelines laid out in Tracy's book, you too can sleep well, eat well and be understood!!"okay, so that's not what this book is about, but here is 'grandma Julia' sitting in her chain and 'reading' as i pack more boxes. yes, she did put the blanket over her lap herself, that is why i call her 'grandma julia'. :) PLAYING ON THE BED!"Ready?" she screaches. *JUMP*This is Julia's "Tunnel" , she always asks for tunnels to be made and played in. :)More playing on the bed..... A favorite pass-time for us three. we jump and fall and tackle...very fun. recommended for all. good way to get all the jigglies out. :) talk to y'all again soon. from sue.
Tribute to Daddy Dave!
Hi there lovily reader-ites, Ah, another beautiful wintery day! Bonita came over to grace us last night. What fun we had remembering days of old, and thinking about days yet to come. Any who have met Bonita know of the warmth that exudes from her, not to mention her spunky-charming-delightful-ness that makes a meeting with her soooo pleasant and inspiring! haha. yes, she is a dear friend, i'm so sorry if you haven't yet met her.....if you do, be prepared for the mission field! *wink wink*Here are the lovely Miss Emily and Miss Julia gazing in awe at the toy trains racing around the decorated track. Wow, they thought these were awesome!! haha. "Thomas train" was there too, thrilling for two little girls that know of older brothers or friends that are enraptured by the like.Here is a messy Miss Jules, she clung to her yogurt covered raisins a tad too long it appears..... and they have melted all over her hand and face!!! oh dear!
To end the day at the market we cuddled with daddy. Here is his booth at the ChristKindlt market in Kitchener. Cold, tired and aching to get home to his girls, the poor guy has another TWO days of market, yuk. It is a very fun, exciting, excellently-european-feeling market, work outside and be worried about making ends meet isn't quite the same as wondering the market as a guest. :( NOTE to DaddyDave: We love you dave, thank you for your hard work and sacrificial attitude !! We can't wait to see you tonight!! yippeeeee!!! bye from us.
Julia is sporting her christmas present from mommy....i am aware that it is NOT yet christmas, however, i couldnt' help it, she loves to wear aprons when helping mommy in the kitchen! :) It is a lovely YELLOW with beautiful zebras , cows and giraffes in a variety of crazy non-realistic colors! :) heehe. She thinks it is great and likes to say "Zebra".
Merry Christmas!!! :)