Art Day
Since Dave and I are up early (trying to study some philipians every morning these days) i thought i'd write a wee post. Dave is working hard, planning for a maille lesson at his mom's school in the weeks to come!! how exciting!! He gets to make a project (simple one) for the kids to learn and follow along. Plus he will give some background information on what chain maille is and how it has been used in the past. i'm VERY excited for him!! So Jules is a bit 'under the weather', nothing serious...simple cough, runny nose stuff. but it makes her tired and it fills our day with a lot of sitting activities. Sooooo....i think she went through about 15 pages of paper today.... Above is her 'horse' and Julia riding it, with her feet in the stirups. At least that is what she was saying whilest she made it! :) hahaha.
Lately her drawings have been: a lot of horses, people, the letter 'h', the letter 'j' , the letter 'o' adn the letter 'a'. I love seeing how her brain is organized. it is so interesting to me that when we write letters together (Julia says: mommy how does an 'h' go? mommy says: like this....) She can follow the verbal commands of a letters' structure really well, but they follow no 'rules' yet. Her mind has not been taught the 'left to right' rule, or the 'top to bottom' rule, or anything about proportions etc. So her letters have the correct form, just not the correct format? i suppose you could say.
i love learning together.
have a great day!!