Monday, August 24, 2009

Here is B&S VK's wedding from a 5 year olds point of view:

Over the weekend i took the kids to a family wedding - dave had to work, sadly, so he missed the event. :( It was held at the family farm, which is just LOVELY! Sam was in farmer-boy-heaven, i think i see a future in farming for this kid.... seriously, as long as he gets to 'play' with tractors, barns, rocks, and dirt he is sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. :)

On route to the wedding, i stopped at the all-favorite store the bulk barn. Here i let J and S pick out the treat they would like for during the ceremony, because you just never know how long they will be, and i wanted to be prepared to keep the kids as quiet and respectful as possible. (*gasp* candy to keep kids still and quiet?? shouldn't a 2 and 5 year old do that just because you ask them too? *gasp* hahaha)

Anyway, Julia picked out Opa's favorite so that she could share with him. :) i thought that was sweet. i have to recall those moments so that the negative ones don't over take my thoughts some days!!!

Julia took all the pictures on this post, except the one of her and Gr.Opa. She loves the camera.....and the toothy-pictures, yeah, there were at least 10 of those that she took of herself. crazy girl.

Well. i think that is all for now. :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

more of my weekend away.

My mother keeps the most beautiful English-country-style garden. (at least, i think that is the style... ) It is soooooooooooo gorgeous. She moves plants here and there to make the layers look right year after year. Her dear son-in-law surprises her with new features every once and a while, and helps with things like the waterfall. :)
While i was staying with them last weekend, i enjoyed the peacefulness of laying on the grass watching the blooms sway in the breeze. Water moving over rocks in soft gurgles always makes me feel very comfortable. I have always loved the sounds of water.

My Dad (aka Daddio) is so cute!! (sorry dad!! hahaha, i couldn't resist haha) sitting and playing his guitar in the background of our daily activities...whether evening in the living room surrounded by portraits of family, or outside as this picture shows - relaxing in the grass. He is really good too. I love the sounds of guitar as much as the sounds of water.... :)

anyway. we went to a wedding yesterday, and i will update the blog soon with pictures taken by Julia at the event.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

i had to go away .

A sad goodbye to Oma, a joyful reunion of family and friends.

a little bitter-sweetness.

An amazing testimony, a life transformed.

Late nights, good talks.

so so so much laughter.


Long travel days. ug.

I love my family.

I adore hanging out with my Sister, My mom, My dad, and my dear sweet cousins that make me laugh so so so hard. It was so good to see my aunts and uncles, and my dear Opa. i have so many good memories with all these folks. And i have hope of so so many more.

Memories with my Oma, however, i cannot make any more. No more memories with her, but many more OF her. I can tell my kids stories of when i was little and wanted to live at my Oma's farm... i can tell them about her strong love for Jesus, her faith in the sacrifice of His life for the redemption of ours, i can pass on her love for singing hymns (sorry to anyone who has to hear this one!) and praising GOd and saying scripture all the time. There are a lot of things i can try to pass on.... her great hostess-skills, her recipes, her laughter, her joy for gardening (i don't know if i can do this one!! ha - i think my thumb is purple or blue or plaid, but definitely not green - try as i might!!). And her tea cups: i will pass them on one day, as she passed them on to me. And every time i drink tea, i can smile and remember my dear sweet Oma.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

a walk through the Carolinian Trail

nature is amazing!!
this trail led us through a very tall, tall forest- and it was like a battle field, so many trees down all over the place!!
I was a little nervous, since there was just a storm the night before our walk (and many branches on the ground because of it) and there was a possible storm in the works for the afternoon... the afternoon that was upon us already. (no storm thankfully graced our walk!)

third wave of photos

second wave of photos.....