Cottage Country -- a tall tale
We just returned from a glorious journey to a faraway place. Faroff places are so lovely when you live in the cement palaces of a city. Mom and Dad Naus rented a cottage on Hope Bay, on the Bruce Penincula. Here we endured a week of MomNaus Food (yumyum), lots of games, family talks, laughs, boat trips, fishing, walking, strolling, petting the neighbors goat, listening to crickets sing, watching fish jump int he morning light, sleeping in the great outdoors, exploring water, rocks, sand and people with Julia. (man is she great!)
Here are the pics:
Here is Dave and sweet baby J sitting on my RockBench that i made. THis is the beach at the cottage, covered in rocks to play with.
Here Aunti Karli and Julia sunbathe together. And here is the 'Horse' that mommy made from Julia. :) Pretend play is so much fun!!! Jules was RIGHT into it. awesome to see her mount and dismount with great enthusiasm as she neighs and pretends the horse is trotting below her!!!!
Dave and I caught a salmon each on the first night we went fishing. (mine was bigger...heehee)