Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Cottage Country -- a tall tale

We just returned from a glorious journey to a faraway place. Faroff places are so lovely when you live in the cement palaces of a city. Mom and Dad Naus rented a cottage on Hope Bay, on the Bruce Penincula. Here we endured a week of MomNaus Food (yumyum), lots of games, family talks, laughs, boat trips, fishing, walking, strolling, petting the neighbors goat, listening to crickets sing, watching fish jump int he morning light, sleeping in the great outdoors, exploring water, rocks, sand and people with Julia. (man is she great!)
Here are the pics:

Here is Dave and sweet baby J sitting on my RockBench that i made. THis is the beach at the cottage, covered in rocks to play with.

Here Aunti Karli and Julia sunbathe together. And here is the 'Horse' that mommy made from Julia. :) Pretend play is so much fun!!! Jules was RIGHT into it. awesome to see her mount and dismount with great enthusiasm as she neighs and pretends the horse is trotting below her!!!!

Dave and I caught a salmon each on the first night we went fishing. (mine was bigger...heehee)

more pictures

Kaw-i and Julia sitting on the swing. Weeeeeee!!
Wheeling with the barrow Uppi bought and wearing Aunt Kaw-i's dress!!!

Julia LOVED the dogs!!! Here she is with Jake and Flirt, Ann and Erik's dogs (the other grandchildren in the family) THat lawn deer in the background was also a great pass-time, Julia loved to sit and ride on it!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Perfect as a plump peacock

Howdy there, We are home from our weekend trip to Wyoming and Kimberly, and settling back into regular life. (again) Beaches, Peaches and family time were the main attractions in Wyoming. Movie nights with Aunti Karli were fabulous -- you are always the bomb K-dawg. heehee. (I set your jet skiis on fire. ) Julia loves to hang out with Opa and Oma. I think she has a name for Opa, but i'm not entirely sure....it is something like "Buppa". cute cute. Unfortunately, i was terrible and forgot to take pictures, bad sue bad sue. But you can picture us dancing in the waves, squishing sand everywhere possible, eating soooooooo many delicious peaches (and canning some too), walking in the sunshine, sitting on the roof, enjoying a weiner roast in the backyard.....aaaaaaaaah, summer, pleasant days in the sunny rays. TIs a beaaaautiful world God has given us to enjoy. Be good to it. Love from sue

Friday, August 12, 2005

Drip, Drip, Drop, little August showers

Dear Folks,

yes, it is raining today. Our lovely walk to the grocery store felt like a day in Abbotsford, and what good memories those are! Amazing how such a simple event can bring to the mind so many people, places, and things. Well, we had a pretend walk in Abbotsford for a few moments in the rain. :)

Thankfully, today is Dave's last day at work (his 'normal' job) and we can enjoy a couple weeks of summer vacation. (plus his favorite job: popcornman) Yipppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeee. I am thrilled, of course, because i crave summertime together. I love to walk in the cool evening(not that those really exist until september...), run to the lake on a warm afternoon, enjoy family time at a park, or visiting friends for a BBQ.....i LOVE SUMMER!!!! Carefree and casual, i can get away with 'not looking my best' while camping, or not dressing up as much for church, or being more spontanious with friends, because, as a rule: people are more laid back in the summer. mmmmmm. delicious life!

Here is beloved Dave and precious Juli-bean at the park last night:
Julia now climbs up to the slide and goes down all by herself. Yippee! more mommy-freedom! i can let her do what she wants! yay, more Julia independence! more little budding personality. how pleasant.
the end.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Up the creek without a paddle!

Hey there!! Just returned from a day of canoeing, wading, and eating icecream! delightful! Our great friends, Ruth and Janelle (no Stan today), picked up the Juli-bean and i this morning for an excursion to ROCKWOOD. :)

After swooshing the J-ster through the water, walking her up and down the beach, and keeping the sand from her mouth-- Janelle and i took a canoe for a spin. Dun dun duuuunnnn. Here the adventures turns wild.... We paddled innocently along until a vicious stump jutted up into the middle of the canoe (not through it, just under it). We spun there....wondering just how to handle our new dillema.....should we bail ? (not a chance) Push off really hard, and try NOT to bail? (a wee bit better of an option) or...wait wait...Janelle got it-- THE BUM SHUFFLE...yes. for all you pro-canoer's out there...we discovered the secret to getting out of such a perilous situation. Once we were freed, we succeeded in paddling through all the narrowest passageways between rocks and trees and shore. Absolutely delightful! Thanks Janelle for the wonderful drift through rockwood!
To end off the day, Grandma Ruthie
bought us ice cream and now we are sunwearied. the end.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A moment in Time.

Hey hey,
(we're the monkey's , people say we monkey around....) ah, a moment from my childhood...memories of playing with Cynthia and singing to all sorts of fab oldies. the good life. :) haha. Anyway....we were monkey's then, and we still act like monkey's now--sometimes. Jumping around the house, making funny noises that babies like...haha... we really live the ideal life. Have kids, then you can still act like one. perfect senerio. *wink*

Anyway, i thought i'd post some thoughts, babbles and such. Life here in Brampton has settled down now, the bags from our trip have FINALLY been fully unpacked, washed, folded and put away. My house looks clean. I killed three spiders that set up their homes whilest i was gone. (pesky little things, think they can just move in and take over the second you are gone. humph) Food is cooked, beds are made, friends are called. I have my Dave back, so lovely. Husbands are wonderful things, not to be separated from the wifely part for long. ah yes. normal life has resumed. (Partially normal at least - snicker snicker)

Sometimes i wonder...of all the children in the world, how do you suppose we got the best? (we plan on saying the same to all our children, because to us...they are the best, great how God does that eh? )
love to all. from sue.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Family pics from the week...........

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great to be home. a HUGE THANKS to ma and pa HIllson! Thank you for putting us up (and putting up with us) for a whole week. (i know you loved it) We enjoyed your hospitality, love, care, cuddles, talks, walks, trips, and hugs. Much love , from Sue and Julia

Jiggity Jig

Home again, home again, that we are! Julia and I began our journey from BC this morning at 6 am. Our flight was smooth and quick. The two people beside us were understanding of the diaper changes, walks and toys all over that result from sitting by a Julia. :) heehee.

Last night Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tasha stopped by for a delightful dinner, talks, and memories. Unfortunately, Julia was at the end of her happy times, and was slightly grumpy.....a...yeah....but hey, we (as adults) aren't happy all the time -- can we expect our children to be endlessly perky, funny and cheerful??? SO, we had a nice garden party, compliments of Mom and Dad Hillson, and it was so great to see family and enjoy fellowship !! IT WAS TOO SHORT! we will have to do it again. and again! :)

here are some pics:
Cuddles with Aunti Tasha!!!!

The girls loved playing in the playhouse at ma and pa hillson's ! THis is where Sarah and I , and many friends, endured hours of pretend play and excitement!
My Aunt Annette, and cousins Ash and Ad came to visit us one afternoon. Here we are chillin' in the paradise backyard!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

HotDog !!

Today we had visits galore! First to Great Oma and Opa's house, we had not seen them for 11 months! Then we traveled to a part of my childhood that i adored: visiting 'The Farm'. There we had a lovely hotdog roast, horse ride, volley ball game, trampoline lessons, smoke-smelling clothes from standing near the fire, and many warm-fuzzy-cozy feelings inside. Ah, life at 'the farm' , it fills me with so many wonderful memories. hmmmmmmm. it was awesome to share it with Julia, show her the freedom and excitement in cool grass and bare toes.

here are the pics:

The girls LOVED Cos-aunti Jamie's horse, Taco, and their little ride on him! I know we are a little far away in this picture, but these are the girls....the 'old gang' with the 'new gang-lits'.