These photos are from a couple of weeks ago, I meant to put them on sooner, but you know how it is. One kid gets sick, two kids get sick, three kids get sick, mommy get's sick, the week slips past, the basement floods, you do groceries, mop the floor, and fall into bed.... the story of motherhood, the story of life. So, back to the photos: Mercy's first braids!! And LOOK how long her hair is when it is wet, wow!! Sammy after his shower, looking 'crazy'. He wanted to recreate this look the next morning for school, but i don't have those sorts of skills. :) Julia reading peacefully. She loves to read. I enjoy evenings. How about you? I love feeling the end of the day pull me to slow down, finish tasks, prepare for peace and quiet and cozy things. It is a time for sitting on the couch reading to kids, putting lunches in the fridge for the next day, flicking the switch on the kettle to make tea. *sigh* A nice time of day. Enjoy your next evening. You only get one a day! Don't take it for granted! :) haha.