Monday, February 26, 2007

not in labor

Okay, so you can all sit back and relax. put the phone down. yep, there you go. this is just a boring old regular post. :) hhaha. no baby news yet.

although, tonight it a good night to go into labor...wake up with baby and then dave would have the rest of the week off. that would be convenient. hmm...i'll see what i can do.

back to the actual post...
Here is Miss Julia and Dear Dave ready for church. I LOVE striped stockings for J, so when i saw these for 2$ at winners....i couldn't resist. :) besides...they are BLUE! :) i love them. Church was really fun. Julia is developing her own relationships with people at a startling rate! The Redick family (gave us J's bed and the babys' dresser, have 6 kids, homeschool, etc) are these amazingly beautiful, wonderful, lovely, precious people and Julia truly enjoys them. As we were singing the first song in church, Julia saw them come in and sit down and quickly asked , "Can i go visit the Redicks?" Of course, yes she could. Off she skipped to say hi, running over she gave Mr. R a big hug and promtly sits beside one of their 5 girls (the youngest is now in grade 5) for the worship time. haha. i love watching her mature, and become comfortable with people and learn to trust those she loves. very interesting to watch her learn. Here is Miss grumpypants and her Great Opa !! :) we spent saturday evening with him, and with Oma and Opa as well, enjoying a lovely meal and some relaxing time. Great Opa is very sweet and cute, don't you think??

Anyway. Some things of late:
library this morning, picked up some books of tape and Julia LOVES them.

While at the library, Julia spelled the words on the library card just for fun, with no prompting: "Lambton County Library". i was impressed. I am beginning to think that by the time our baby wants to sit and listen to stories...this one will definately be reading them all by herself and possibly to the baby too! :) Letters and books and drawing the letters are really her thing lately. So we've been playing school frequently.

dave teaches mama naus' class how to make chain maille this friday!!

Karli and papa Naus leave for Peru on saturday! pray for their trip.

The midwife said my baby is already about 7.5 pounds, and i have two weeks left to go. (or less)

Julia told her sunday school teacher that, "Only God is holy. We are not holy."

After church yesterday Julia laid out a blanket, made some "praise instruments" out of pipecleaners, and sang her own quiet songs to God. the only words i could hear (she whisper sang) were, "We worship God, He is True".
That's all for now folks! love from the Naus Gang.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow....okay so a very overdone cliche...

So this is me. My hair long and tired of winter-bla's. It has recovered nicely since our days of dreadlocks, and grown a lot since the chop-off....but i think it needs some sort of revival....

........thankfully i know a lot of hair dressers now...well, 2 . that isn't a lot i suppose. One is a lovely lady in our small group from church, so off to her home studio we drove this morning. Julia- to see what a real hair salon looks like, and Me- to get a new 'Do'.

I am very happy with the outcome.

The lovely hair pins in this photo are compliments of Janie's Creative Hair Accessories. Yes, mrs Janie Colvinson created these elegant, beaded pins.And of course, i can't update the hair do without a belly shot too.

love from su.

Monday, February 19, 2007

the way it really is

This is what we are really looking at these days. so winter is truly beautiful....just very very long.

Spring where art thou?

i am longing for the days of warmer winds, greener grass and less outerwear. Here is a picture capturing some spring beach-play last year....ah, i am sooooooo ready for that again! I like the snow, i enjoy the winter, but i am done with it. Too many mittens, hats, coats....too many sniffles and coughs....i can't wait to buy some dirt, plant some seeds, and pull out the flipflops to run to the beach!!!!!!

Hmmm...that will be lovely.

I'd love to hear what YOU are doing this summer???? anything unusual?? Traveling far? let us know.........maybe you will help to inspire someone else's spring-summer plans!!

love to you. from the naus family.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Baba Ghanoush

Hey all.

Just had to pop in to post a quick link to my sister's site. She has posted a great little essay on 1john4 and i thought it was worthy of linking to:

here is an excerpt of it:
"If you never hear a clear message about the person and work of Christ and the claims of the gospel, the message being preached is not from the Spirit of God. You must discern spirits. If you passively accept what purports to be God’s message when it is not, you are setting yourself up for deception. Treating deception as if it were the gospel of Jesus Christ is sin."

Anyway. enjoy your day. the read is long, but worth while if you are interested in such learnings. :)

love from su

ps. i made baba Ghanoush this morning....mmmm....yum

Thursday, February 15, 2007

a little late... i know!


We did our date on friday night, went out for a really nice Italian dinner. Our Feb.14th is not nearly as special as our Feb. 6th and Feb. 9th...the anniversary of deciding to date...and our first date. :) So...i have to say we kinda don't do a lot of typical feb14th stuff. i enjoy that. since it is mostly a Hallmark Holiday anyway..haha. i hope we celebrate 'Valentine's Day' every couple weeks instead. :)

I think Vday is great for family stuff though. I wanted to do more this year....just didn't get around to it. oops. My mom and dad always had a little card out on our breakfast plate, and some candies or a little gift. i remember getting really cute PJ's and stuffed animals and little things. :) Those ideas appeal to me. Making it a special treat day.

This year all we managed to do was: make pink bread to accompany dinner (pictured above) and make a card for our neighbors and deliver it after we ate. :) haha. we had a plain and simple day.
Here is our 'baby room' which is more like a 'baby nook'. haha. Cradle-thanks to a friend who is lending it to us until we have room to set up the crib in a couple months. Dresser- also thanks to a friend. the Redick family is awesome, they gave us julia's bed, and this dresser. :)
The dresser is full of our 'neutral' clothing and cloth diapers for the newborn stage. So far i need more sleepers, and a fresh batch of diaper covers. (thanks to another friend i think i am getting some really nice ones that she used!!) :) i love love love community living! :)
My Mama is working on a baby quilt!! yippee! she made Julia's and i love it!! so this is an exciting thing for me....waiting to see the finished product!

Love from su. buried beneath piles of snow. (gotta tell you, it felt REALLY good to be the FIRST ones on the block to shovel snow yesterday, and to top it off be over 8 months pregnant at the same time!!! haha)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

just saying 'boo'

hey! this is it for today. talk again soon i hope. 4 weeks left. heehee.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Coupon Searching

I would love ideas from folks out there on how to save on my grocery bill using coupons.

my only tool at this point is: a canadian website that provides different coupons..perhaps weekly or monthly. i don't know yet. and they let you click on what you want and then they do all the work and mail them to you! fabulous! it takes about 4 days.

The savings are not HUGE since they provide very few for items i actually buy.

THat is why i pose this question: what do you do to save (besides having a solid list and going to the store with the most deals for food you buy) ?? are there any really REALLY good online coupon tools???? let me know.

from Su.

Hearing From God

SO last night we attended a worship night at the home of a good friend of ours. Julia stayed up and danced and sang for a bit, and then it was sleepy time. I put her to bed in one of the rooms upstairs in their home, we did our ritual of praying and then me telling her a 'story about her'. (started this a couple nights ago in memory of my daddio telling me these awesome-from-his-imagination stories as a child -- 'Joey Stories') So far the stories have all taken place on our 'family farm' and her adventures are mostly ones that i experienced at my cousins farm out in bradner. :)

Anyhow. Dave and I stuck around and sang for another hour and a bit, and when it came time for us to gather the sleeping bundle and leave something very interesting happened.

Dave woke up the Jules, dressed her in something warm and came downstairs. Her loud bubbly voice trickled down as she announced, "I have something to tell everyone!!"

Dave put her down and she wandered over to where the people were sitting and worshiping and she said: "I asked God if He liked the music, and He told me He liked the music about Him."

During the night different people had been speaking verses that came to mind as we praised God, so this fit well into the evening of praise and worship and words from God!

I often wonder just what happens when Julia prays. i wish i could know. That is definately something i want to ask God about in heaven. Did Julia really hear God tell her that? (since she has said similar things many times before--"God told me to change my attitude" "God said...." etc) Or was it just in her imagination?

Ah well. it is good to have some mysteries in life. God is not easily figured out, if he was, he wouldn't be God.

In other news: dave surprized me with HOLY GOD by BRian Doerksen is great!!!

IN EVEN AWESOME-ER NEWS: check out my sister's blog...she is in my link list as "Life of a Sister"

love from the Naus Gang

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

prayer request

Hey all.
if you are reading this, please stop and pray for Tom. He is a lovely gentleman in our small group from church with heart troubles. He and his wife just found out that he needs major surgery done and so we all need to pray and wait for the surgery to happen soon.

Thank you for praying.

Some things I have Said. and Done

While discussing just what to plant in our garden this coming year, Julia announced something profound:
"I want to grow some fruit. Good fruit. Not the kind Adam and Eve had in THEIR garden."
The Library has some fun books on simple signs. We picked up a few because a new skill is always fun to acquire. During supper, Daddy likes to ask Julia about her day and what she learned. So we reviewed a couple signs....Cat, Dog, Boy, Girl...then Julia created her own sign...on the spot. She pinched her neck, right under her chin, and pulled out to the side. "This is Polar Bear." she said. i have to admit. we laughed so hard that she does it a lot now. haha. but she truly thinks that is the sign for Polar Bear. i wonder what it really is??? i like her interpretation. heehee.
Whilest in the basement doing laundry, i overheard some pounding steps above me....some drawers opening....some clanging. At first i was worried. Then i recalled that lunch was near....and part of me thought..."hmm...could my daughter be SURPRIZING me with some lovely gesture of kindness??" Upstairs i found her with two forks in hand, "Mommy do we need forks?" aaawwwwww, she was setting the table for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so touched.
Just before naptime Julia and I did some Prenatal Salsa Dancing (from a video i borrowed at the library). I like it for exercise...almost like really slow and easy aerobics. :) haha. i can't wait until i can do something that makes me sweat and burn....and is harder than climbing stairs or mopping the house!! haha.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super BOWL 2007

IN honor of this event: So...flashback to when Julia was very very little....Dave wanted to experiment with her by calling all blue things red, or by calling the sky 'grass' or silly things like that....we never followed through with these rather confusing experiments because we thought they may be 'damaging'..haha, just kidding. but i don't feel so bad about telling her you have to HAVE to wear a bowl on your head when watching the super bowl.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Another lesson

Can you guess what it may have been??

The armor of God done Naus-style. haha.
One of these things just doesn't belong here.........or does she?? :)

Julia resting with her friends after a long day of picnicing, swimming and going to the pond. (all in her imagination however, the cold winter winds would definately prevent a REAL picnic outside today!)

love from su.

Friday, February 02, 2007

I have 5 weeks left....

well, here i am...round, round, round. with 5 weeks left (give or take a couple).

Lately my back pain has diminished, praise God. Occassionally the baby is too much on my right side, with it's little back stretching me out out out and causing pain. but i just have to lean over a table in a good stretch and wiggle my hips and gravity seems to help move wee babe to a more pleasant spot.

i know, funny mind picture....wiggle wiggle wiggle. it works though, okay! so stop laughing at me! :) hhaaha.

Anyway. Dave and I have decided to have this baby at home. As long as everything goes along well we will be allowed to, and so far my 'track record' says we will be fine candidates for a home birth. yipppee.

The Midwifery services here are excellent. The hospital keeps them under such tight restrictions regarding the patients that i know we are in really good hands. (None of the midwives want to make any poor decisions that could get them shut down i suppose. ) It is silly when i think about it, midwives are seen as the MAIN caregivers of pregnant women in so many other countries, such as the Netherlands, yet here they are not trusted like a regular doctor would be. I LOVE the care we receive from them.

My midwife is Isabelle, a dear sweet mother of two girls with a delightful back-to-the-earth apeal to her. (no wonder i like her eh? haha) Just yesterday she was telling me about the wonderful herbal bath that she and Dawn (my secondary midwife) will make for the baby and I after the birth. They light some candles, clean the house and leave a couple hours after the baby is born. Sounds just lovely, no?

So that is the latest i suppose.

Dave is off playing table tennis right now and then we will spend an evening of family time together. yep. nothing too exciting. just simple life. i love it.