Thunder and Lightening Storm . We sat and watched it come in and move away.
Bike Ride: family ones now that Julia can keep up with us on her bigger bike. :) well... we go like 12 km an hour instead of 25, but hey, it is super fun to be all together!! :)
We threw together a quick picnic of boiled eggs, veggies and garlic-bean dip. yum. Daddy treated the kids to ice cream, and we all guzzled the 5 bottles of water i packed. whew. hot day!!
LOVE. LOVE. love this forest. isn't it gorgeous??? this season is soooo beautiful, and those flowers!! WOW.
Great Opa reached another milestone, 96 years of age!! I took the kids out to the Birthday party and enjoyed the 30 minutes of sleep THEY all had on the way there. :) I wanted to be sleeping, but driving doesn't allow for that! ha. amazing how peaceful a car ride can be when the little ones are all napping...well, i guess Julia wasn't, but we had some good talks while the little ones slept. :)
Heehee. Aren't they sweet? Julia is wearing a brand new Sailor dress thanks to Oma (the seamstress) and Mercy is sporting the canada day dress i made for Julia at this age. :)