THe events of the last week have happened rather quickly. So quickly in fact, that just now as i sit to write them, they hit me. WE OWN A HOME. well, truly it isn't a home yet, just a house. Plain walls, empty rooms, silent echoing spaces, and on top of all that....a lot of love and care that is lacking. We shall have our hands full for a while, but it will be worth it. THere is much to do, but it will increase the value of the house by almost 100%. Sweet! :)
ANyway. the story goes like this: Monday dave went to look at a house with papa Naus and ol' friend Jim. THey called me in, i came to look. We walked through, saw the potential, realized that this was the first tangible answer to prayers of our future, and put in an offer the next day. I admit, i was dreaming of colors, renovations, and gardening with Julia......but in reality, that's what i'll be doing! haha. along with a lot of cleaning, nailing, sanding, painting, fixing, mopping, scouring, etc..... but i look forward to a new season in life. Besides, when better to do all this in-door work then winter?? we can't be OUT then, haha, just kidding. Ontario isn't THAT cold. brrrr.
love from sue.